Eirik Berger Abel


Here are some packages that I have written.

  • hte Python based package to segment images and to extract and structure text from historical documents. To install through pip run pip install hte or the newst version directly from the Github repository by running pip install git+ssh://git@github.com/eirikberger/hte.git
  • hismatch R package to link historical individual-level data. Optimized to run on many cores. Read the documentation here or below. To install run devtools::install_github("eirikberger/hismatch")
  • NoRwayGeo This R based package is an attempt at dealing with historical Norwegian municipalities. First, the package uses a cleaned version of SSB’s overview of historical changes in the municipality structure to produce clusters of municipalities that can be followed consistently between two given years. Second, it provides functions and data to link current and historical municipalities (including different names and spellings) to a municipality number. To install run devtools::install_github("eirikberger/NoRwayGeo")
  • datadrivencv This R package is a rewritten version of {datadrivencv} by Nick Strayer combined with the CV template made by Steven V. Miller as part of the {stevetemplates} package. To install run devtools::install_github("eirikberger/datadrivencv")